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The RV Radio Network (RVRN) is an ARRL affiliated association of Amateur Radio Operators who share an interest Recreational Vehicles. Watch this website for information about rallies, hamfests, radio nets, and other activities of interest to the members of our club. | RVRN now has ham radio nets for every class of license, and even one net that does not require an FCC license. The list of club sponsored nets is below and a large list of RV/Ham nets is available by clicking the "RV/Travel Nets" button on the menu bar at the top of most pages. | Net Control Operators KA2HPG, N0ROB, W8TJT, KC1M, N3YRZ, KC5MEM, W9WRM, K9BJR, WA5FFL, WR5E, K7SWS, KE6NYT and KO6XX want to talk to you. If you would like to help us as an NCO or Relay station please contact our Communications Manager Fred, KA2HPG. |
Latest Bulletin Board Posts
Posted by K9BJR - 2-11-2025 _ 10:54 AM CST I don't have any free frequencies for today's 20m net at my home QTH. The 20m band in the General portion (where we run these nets) is rammed solid here. If I can't find a 3Khz window by about 11:15am (CST), unless someone else can work it from a different location that's less busy, I'll need to call it off for today. Sorry everyone! Posted by KF1P - 2-10-2025 _ 5:59 PM CST Good Day I received the nice decal with the Membership Letter/ Packet. Is this for the Inside of a window on our RV ?? If so would someone be kind enough to instruct me on how to do this. Thank You in advance. Posted by KI5ECE - 2-7-2025 _ 10:03 PM CST If San Antonio works out for the fall, maybe consider inviting Jason (HamRadio 2.0) again. He was very entertaining when we gathered in Fredericksburg. Posted by KI6HOB - 2-4-2025 _ 5:30 PM CST Tim, KD6HOF, it was a pleasure camping and hanging with you. RV Radio Network are a great group of amateur radio folks that also love campfires and ham radio. We are happy for you to join us. Posted by KD6HOF - 2-4-2025 _ 4:16 PM CST "January Gallivant 2025" I was able to do a lot of ham related stuff during my January trip to AZ. In addition to the North America QSO Party contest, I was able to run Winter Field Day camped on-site at QuartzFest – conveniently, NAQP was just before the QuartzFest event and WFD was at the end – perfect trifecta. I ran WFD as 1M-AZ, that’s one mobile station from Arizona. I used the sloped End Fed Half Wave antenna – approx. 35 feet up on an aluminum Titan push up flagpole held by a drive-on stand. Many thanks to Mark’s help (KI6HOB from RV Radio Network) whom the contest would not be possible. He graciously loaning some extra coax (that I failed to pack!) Thanks again 73, Tim - KD6HOF Posted by N5IL - 12-13-2024 _ 9:22 AM CST We have made it to Reed Bingham State Park near Adel Georgia and it’s very comfortable. Lots of pull through and back in spaces NOT packed in. Plenty of room for your own space. 6 miles off I 75. Hope to operate portable for a few days. 12-14 Dec. Posted by AC0AE - 12-6-2024 _ 4:25 PM CST N5IL Thank you for your message. No I have not installed the Tarheel antenna yet. They are running behind. But I hope to get a 200A-HP Tarheel in a few weeks. Also I will be installing the Tarheel on a DIY version of the Tarhill "Lift and Lay". I hope I can have the Lift & Lay fabricated by the time the antenna arrives. I agree with your concern regarding grounding radials. I plan to use 1/2 braided grounding cable stretched out across the roof in several directions as well as bonding the to frame and everything else metal. What suggestions do you have for grounding radials? Thank you. Bret C AC0AE Posted by N5IL - 12-3-2024 _ 10:46 AM CST Bret, did you get your screwdriver ant installed ? I also have a 100 watt [small] one that I want to install but I am looking to mount it one my ladder , grounded to the frame. I think you will have trouble getting it to tune without a ground sys. Right now I use a Hustler single band mounted on the ladder and it has worked well, but with a ground sys. Would not tune without the ground.. good luck. N5IL Posted by AC0AE - 11-27-2024 _ 7:41 AM CST I am considering installing a Tarhill screwdriver type antenna with a powered “Lift and Lay” powered lifting mechanism on top of our 2014 Tiffin. How does this antenna preform with a stock roof without a ground plane? Also if there is a better place to post a question like this, please advise me. 73 Bret - AC0AE Posted by K8ZRH - 11-23-2024 _ 12:23 PM CST Hi, fellow RVing hams. I have set up the RVLifestyle room on Wires-X. It is Room # 09579. Right now, it is Wires-X only. We will soon add a YSF Reflector but the intent is for this to be a place where RVing amateur radio operators can communicate from the road, the campground, their shack or anywhere else. Obviously, it is open to all licensed amateurs but I'd particularly love to see us use this as we travel. The entire RV Radio Network is invited to use as they wish. If you would like to add anther Net to meet in the Room, I'd be delighted. Please give it a try. I'll be monitoring as much as possible. 73 till we talk! Posted by K4HM - 10-21-2024 _ 9:12 AM CDT Hi Joe, At this time I have not had confirmation of exactly where they will have us park, but I do know that RVRN and the FMCA-ARC will be parking together. I expect it will be in the north-west corner by the pavilion but that has not been confirmed. Stay tuned for details as they are available. 73, K4HM - Hank Posted by WA5FFL - 10-11-2024 _ 8:09 AM CDT Any word on Orlando HamCation? Using the same spot as last year? Posted by KI6HOB - 8-28-2024 _ 2:59 PM CDT I have sent email to info@yumahamfest.org inquiring about 2025. I will post here when or if I receive any information. Posted by KL7KTP - 8-22-2024 _ 1:50 PM CDT Update.. What I am finding is the Yuma Hamfest is scheduled for Feb. 21 - 22, 2025, however on their website it shows nothing. It only mentions about 2024. IDK? Posted by KL7KTP - 8-22-2024 _ 1:12 PM CDT Interesting KB6WHV. Everything I am hearing here in AZ is that Yuma is re-starting their Hamfest in 2025. What I am hearing is it will be the week after Quartzfest in January. Posted by KB6WHV - 8-21-2024 _ 1:13 AM CDT will there be a hamfest in Yuma in 2025? You know how things get spread. Website says no. Posted by K9BJR - 7-30-2024 _ 11:13 AM CDT Quick note - I have no free frequencies here for me to run the net on this morning. Lots of "little" conversations going on as wel (continued on the Members Only page.) |
The February Network News is <HERE>
Read a sample of the Network News <HERE> Read the RVRN 2024 Fall Rally Report <HERE>
"Amateur Radio and RVs" by KC1M and WR5E
"ARDEN Mesh Networks" by N7ZEV More HamCon:Zion Presentations
40m Nightly Net: Sun - Fri 7PM CT 7264 Khz +/- 10Khz UPCOMING RVRN EVENTS February 26th at 7:00 PM Central Time Officers will report on their area of responsibility and take questions from the members. After the meeting there will be a presentation from Mike Sokal of RV Electricity.
2025 RVRN Spring Eyeball Rally
May 10 - 15 | Baylor Beach Park | Navarre, Ohio More Information < here > Registration / Applcation < here > Ask the RVRN Tech Guy HERE (11/14) Should I solder or crimp my PL-259 connectors?.
Excellent question. Times have dramatically changed in this area over the past decade for good reason. Many of us have issues soldering the barrel onto the outside braid without melting the internal insulation. Crimping has the advantage of providing a very good electrical connection without harming the integrity of the coax. The disadvantage of crimping however is that there is a cost to purchase a quality crimping set.
An alternative for many, including me, is to purchase pre-cut assemblies with the connectors professionally installed. Most of the ham radio retailers sell these assemblies in many different lengths. Best Regards (11/12) Can I use the TV wiring in my RV for my HF antenna.
Is it possible to use the pre-wired satellite connection on my RV as a entry point to connect my external HF antenna to my station inside? The RV is wired with F-type connectors on (presumably) 75 ohm wire and runs parallel with the pre-wired cable TV connector.
Thank you very much for contacting RVRN with your question. If I understand your question you would like to use your satellite 75 ohm coax for your HF antenna. Without knowing the electrical characteristics of your coax it is difficult to say. I am not worried about the 75 ohm impedance but question the power rating. If you can, find the cable number and look up on the internet to confirm both the impedance and power rating. There are F connector adapters to be able to use the standard PL-259 connector. Tim K5TGS (11/9) Larry asks about grounding for his antenna.
I'm trying to install a HAM radio in my 40' Class-A motorhome. It's skinned entirely with fiberglass. I think I have found a mirror antenna mount for the antenna. My concern is about the ground plane requirement to make antenna work. If I can get it to work and install the antenna on the mirror, will that connection to the entire frame of the motorcoach act as the ground plane and give me good coms?
Hello Larry, Thank you for reaching out to RVRN with your question! Yes, if there is an electrical connection to the frame that can be a big help. One drawback could be the HF antenna size and drag on the mirror while driving. I suggest you get access to an antenna analyzer and check the SWR for this setup as you may need a tuner. An alternate setup RVers use is the hitch on the back of the coach with a mast going upward. Either setup will need to be tested for actual performance as each is a bit of a compromise. Let us know how it goes. Tim K5TGS (11/4) Gary asks about voltage and current phase.
Gary asks: Will a non-resonant vertical antenna with a set tuner at its feed point have the voltage and current at its feed point in phase? No lengthy discussion please: only yes, no, or I don't know.
Gary, This is a good question. If your tuner can tune the non-resonant antenna to 1:1 it will be purely resistive, and voltage and current are in phase. Tim K5TGS (9/30) Randy asks about the pre-wired coax cables in an RV
Randy asks: Looking for an answer on whether it is possible to use the pre wired coax cables in a Rv, for the tv, as a means to connect your antenna and base unit. I don’t have a unit in my camper yet but was wanting to eliminate any drilled holes through the camper floors or walls.
Hello Randy, This is an excellent question. I suppose the most typical impedance of TV coax is 75 ohms. This will introduce a little bit higher SWR for you but certainly something you can work with. Theoretically, this mismatch should only introduce an SWR of 1.5 to 1. Depending on your antenna, it may be useful to have a tuner to compensate for the slight mismatch. In fact, many hams do use 75 ohm coax because it is so much cheaper. The only other consideration would be the power level if you are using an amplifier. If so, I would look up the actual specs for your coax to make sure you don’t exceed the power rating. Best Regards (9/2) Jeff asks what antenna analyzer to use
This question comes to us from Jeff in Ohio. I am considering buying an antenna analyzer, but they seem very expensive. One option I did come across is the nano VNA. These seem to have the same functions but are far less expensive. What do you think?
Well, Jeff, you have this down correctly. The nano VNA’s are, in general, less expensive, and in fact, will do much more. With the improvement in technology, the nano VNA has become a great option for many hams. They are very flexible and have enormous capability. The major drawback I have found is that unless a ham is very technically inclined, the learning curve is very steep and many hams get frustrated trying to figure out how the VNA works. I would first recommend watching several YouTube’s about the nano VNA. Many of these are well done, and will give you great insight into the complexity of the VNA. The ARRL also has some very good publications about the VNA so check that out as well. If you feel comfortable, then you might invest in a VNA and get used to its capability. Best Regards (12/11) Do I need an Isolator/choke for my inverted VEE?
Jeff from North Carolina asks, what is an Isolator/choke and do I need to use one with my center fed inverted VEE dipole?
Jeff, this is a very good question and one I often get asked. The short answer is, perhaps. I tend to not add or use things in the hobby that aren’t really needed. Now, an isolator or 1:1 balun is useful when we have an issue with SWR or noise interference in the shack. This can occur when we have common mode currents coming back down the outside braid of the coax, which can radiate interference into our shack and home. Generally a center fed dipole has a feed point impedance in the area of 50 ohms so common currents are not an issue. However, there are installations that have external factors effecting one’s antenna. I have had dipoles up for years without the need for a choke balun but not all hams are as fortunate. When there are currents coming back down the coax and causing issues in the shack a choke is called for. They provide a very high impedance path for the coax braid and will eliminate the currents. Many manufacturers make these and are available on their websites. A quick note on the ugly balun, the homemade version constructed with several turns of coax. While these may be effective they tend to have a very high Q and thus suffer from bandwidth issues. Better to get a commercial brand and solve the issue. Tim K5TGS Best Regards (12/13) Elliot asks about HT replacement antennas.?
Elliot from California asks, I see company’s like Comet and Diamond sell many HT replacement antennas. Is this a good idea to replace a stock antenna?
Elliot, I tend to stay away from these unless I have a broken or lost HT antenna. I don’t see much advantage, for the cost, to replace the original one. First, the stock antenna has been designed along with the radio so there is a good electrical and mechanical match for the radio. The bigger reason I do not go with these is often the base of the replacement antenna does not seat completely down on the radio case which places a lot of stress on the SMA connector and the circuit board inside the radio. This could also permit moisture to enter the radio. However, these replacement antennas are popular and have good sales, so you decide for yourself. Best Regards The RVRN MultiMode - EchoLink net is each Thursday at 8 PM Central time on the Multi-Mode South East Conference Node (*SELINK*). You can usually find us on Net Logger -or- Net Scraper Subscribe to weekly EchoLink Net reminder/update Email. Complete RV Radio Network EchoLink information HERE FCC Topics of interestFCC to Require 2FA for CORES Users March 22, 2024
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has announced an upcoming change to the Commission Registration System (CORES) that licensees use to pay any application or regulatory fees, manage or reset a password on an existing FRN, or request a new FRN. Beginning March 29, 2024, multifactor authentication will be implemented. Users will be prompted to request a six-digit secondary verification code, which will be sent to the email address(es) associated with each username. The user will then need to enter the code into CORES before they can continue.
In a public notice, the FCC said this change will make the system more secure. "This additional layer of security will further safeguard against unauthorized access, thereby enhancing the overall integrity of information contained within the CORES system and improving the security of user data," it read. The FCC recommends that users confirm they have access to their username account email and to add a secondary email address, if need be. Resources are available for those who need assistance with the system. For inquiries or assistance regarding the implementation of multifactor authentication on CORES, submit a help request at https://www.fcc.gov/wtbhelp, or call the FCC at 877-480-3201 (Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 6 PM ET). Source: ARRL News 03/22/2024 Bandwidth Limits Replace Symbol Rates 12/08/2023
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) published new rules adopted last month that replace the symbol rate restrictions on the HF bands with a bandwidth limit of 2.8 kHz. The new rules go into effect January 8, 2024.
The bands and band segments affected by the rules change are those authorized for data transmission between 160 and 10 meters, exclusive of 60 meters (where no change was made). Source: ARRL NEWS 12/08/2023 $35 Amateur Application Fee Effective April 19,2022
Source: arrl.org/fcc-application-fee
The FCC released a Public Notice on March 23, 2022, stating that the amateur radio application fees, including those associated with Form 605 application filings, would become effective on April 19, 2022. The Federal Communications Commission's authority to impose and collect fees is mandated by Congress. The $35 application fee, when it becomes effective on April 19, will apply to new, modification (upgrade and sequential call sign change), renewal, and vanity call sign applications. The fee will be per application. Administrative updates, such as a change of name, mailing or email address, will be exempt from fees. Read full story at arrl.org/fcc-application-fee FRN required on Appplications effective 5/20/2021
Amateur Radio Applications may no longer use your Social Security Number. As of May 20,2021 the application must include the applicants FRN number for submission. This means you must register with the FCC and get your FRN before your application can be submitted.
The FCC has provided a CORES Registration Vdeo describing the process of registering with the FCC and obtaining your FRN. New RF Exposure Rules Effective on May 3, 2021
The FCC has announced that rule changes detailed in a lengthy 2019 Report and Order governing RF exposure standards go into effect on May 3, 2021. The new rules do not change existing RF exposure (RFE) limits but do require that stations in all services, including amateur radio, be evaluated against existing limits, unless they are exempted.
Ref: ARRL News (News article contains important information and useful references.) Note: Here are some links to RF Exposure information that may be of use: ARRL RF Exposure ARRL's coverage of this subject. RF Exposure and You ARRL Pdf by Ed Hare, W1RF, ARRL Lab Supervisor RF Exposure Calculator v2.2 (2021-05-07) by Paul Evans, VP9KF , Hintlink Technology. RF Exposure Calculator from Lake Wasington Ham Club RF Exposure Calculator Spreadseet" From Ham Radio School |